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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whats it all about

As I ponder this gray November morning which has a beauty all its own I am thankful that I am awake today at the age of 72.  I ran four miles yesterday as I do every other day.  I've been running for almost twenty years.  This type of exercise is not only good for your body, it also allows you to release daily stress.  You see every incident in your daily life, good or bad, enters your nervous system through all of your senses touch hearing, eyes, smell, taste and then picks a spot to lodge in your muscle system.  It also enters your mind body which is your soul (no not your brain, your brain is simply a computer that transmits instructions to your body) and much like a digital audio video camera captures the scenes in color.  That is why you can remember things.  It is also why you can visualize things you have not seen before.

Well when you exercise or meditate which is another form of stress release these muscles release these incident tensions and they flow outward through the same senses they arrived and return to their creator which is not you.  And so, you have one or more less thoughts to think about.  If you keep doing this eventually you won't have any thoughts, and you will stay awake in your life without daydreaming your life away.  This allows you to see the beauty of Mother Earth and see your God at work.  It takes a lot of time, years, sometime lifetimes to accomplish this, but every effort you make moves you forward to what Buddha called Enlightenment or a state of wakefulness.

So, since I have been doing this for forty years, either meditating, doing Hatha or Jnana Yoga, running and other like stuff I stay awake a lot which allows me to see the magic of life here on earth.  I think all forests are magical because when you see them clearly they truly are.  The photos of nature or people on this sight I have taken in the forest, meadows or ocean are all magical.  So I feel truly blessed and thankful every day for my Higher Power's creation of life on this planet and in the universe.


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