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Monday, November 29, 2010

Doing what you find your self doing

Over the years of inter-acting with those who are seeking to evolve spiritually it seems the concept that they have the most difficulty in grasping is understanding that the concept of free will is a myth.  Now I didn't just come up with this idea and presto put it into a philosophy.  Nope, it only happened after my life crushed my ego to a pulp and I felt I had no other choice except to turn my life and my will over to my higher power.  Now again this wasn't my decision to make, I was forced into it by none other than my life which created situations beyond my control.  No it wasn't bad luck.  I do admit though that I contributed by my own actions that helped bring this situation to a climax.  However, I have no idea why I acted in the ways I did.  People hearing this will say, oh he made bad decisions.  True, and yes I made them, but I was meant to make them and that is the crutch of this piece of philosophical puzzle.  Why was I meant to make those decision and not others you might ask?

Well the answer is Karma, or you might say You Reap What You Sow, or you might even say Cause and Effect.  No such thing people still say to me today.  Well I understand that those people believe strongly in their Free Will, and their Egos, the Earth Self, a creation of the mind constantly reminds them of this.  I also understand that many and perhaps most humans walking this planet currently may not be ready to accept such a concept.  However there are also many who are in the stages of overcoming their Earth Egos and find their higher Chakras (Energy Centers) located in the physical brain opening up allowing for the understanding of the Spiritual Universe.  Eventually this leads to the person walking on this planet with her or his head in heaven and their feet on Mother Earth Ship.  She or he achieves this by giving up this false concept of Free Will and understanding that we are all here to serve, irregardless of whether or not we know it.

If this were not so, we would not have made it this far.  The initiation of this moment is the Surrender of One's Will to their concept of God, not to a person on this planet.  Once this happens, you will find yourself in a world of great beauty and will experience a world of great peace.  It matters not where you stand, whether that be on a battlefield or the worst place on earth, because you will understand that it is all God's making and you are none but an observer and any actions you do perform, you are simply doing what  you find yourself doing.

Jim Ainsworth

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