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Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Musings

It was a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends, but my mind, which is always trying to get my attention so it can pull me away from reality keeps reminding me of the Thanksgiving Myth that I discovered while researching my book A Short Account of the Destruction of Native America.  You see, after getting my consciousness raised by a college professor I was inspired to find out what really happened to them, the Native Americans.  Just can't say Indians and if you read my book on the subject you will understand why.  When the Pilgrims, a sect of Puritans arrived these ex soldiers and merchants who had no farming experience had some basic tenets.  They were:  They believed the bible gave them the right to enslave non-white and non-Christians.  They also despite modern myth believed in pre-marital sex in order to propagate the population and many marriages were performed with a baby in the womb.  So all this talk about the Pilgrims being goody two shoes is just a bunch of rubbish created by their children's children to cover up their genocide of the New England tribes.

In reality, the first official Thanks giving Day celebrated the massacre of 700 Native American men, women and children during one of their religious ceremonies.  "Thanksgiving Day" was first proclaimed by the Governor of the then Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1637 to commemorate the massacre of 700 men, women and children who were celebrating their annual Green Corn Dance...in their own house.  The very next day the governor declared a Thanksgiving Day...For the net 100 years every Thanksgiving Day ordained by a Governor was in honor of the bloody victory thanking God that the battle had been won.  According to the Massachusetts Records of 1676-1677 a day was set apart for public thanksgiving because among other things of moment, "there now scarce remains a name or family of them (the Indians) but are slain, captive or fled.  (Winter Rabbit - American Netroots a forum on Native American issues.)  (Found in a Short Account...)

Well anyways have a nice (Black Friday)


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