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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is the start of my hopefully daily posts on this Blog Site.

Staying Awake. Forty years ago after being raised an unbaptized Baptist, I was baptized an Episcopalian, ordained a Buddhist, and became initiated into Transcendental Meditation, all of which I have practiced for the last forty years. You can't just simply practice living this all of this spirituality and not have the results rub off on you. When I started back at the beginning I sort of figured that I would probably experience some sort of cosmic consciousness since that was what I read in several books would happen if you stuck to it. An stick to it I did and during the years that followed I became homeless several times, yet I didn't stop. One of these homeless periods was almost three years. Doesn't that sound awful? "Homeless!" But wait, it wasn't awful. It actually was one of the most beautiful periods of my life. Well, let me briefly explain and on other days I will explain to those who are interested enough to follow my blogs the real nature of our existence.

You see what happened when I started doing all this spiritual stuff I became, well, more spiritual. It wasn't like I stepped from one room to another. Instead I fell from one story to another. First I crashed financially, then I crashed emotionally, and finally I found the answer. It is going to sound crazy to you, but actually it was very simple for me since I was a totally devastated human being. I did nothing... I came to the brilliant conclusion that since every thing I tried to do didn't work. I would do nothing and leave it up to God. Then if nothing worked I could blame it all on God. God would be my paymaster, my lover and my guide and that was that and has been for the last forty years.

Jim Ainsworth

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