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Friday, March 25, 2011

  I was able to get back to this blog sooner than I thought I would.  Perhaps a change is in the wind for what happens in my life is not what I decide for I decide nothing I only think I do.  Yet most folks that I know think they are still in charge.  I find that this makes them very unhappy when things appear to go astray...

  I first came across this change in thinking forty years ago while I was searching for my soul mate.  I wrote a poem about that experience.  All the poetry that you read either on my blog or in my website www.SevenSunsPublishing.com was written within a two and a half year period that started forty years ago.  This was when at the age of thirty two I began to experience a change in my conception of our existence.  Now understand I did not pursue this course in fact I went down this chute kicking and screaming.  Yet eventually I realized t hat I didn't have any choice and I surrendered to my higher power which I chose to call God.  I had become homeless at the beginning of that period although it would be more correct to say that I lived in God's House.  Those two and a half years were a great transformation for me and these poems reflect what I was receiving from within when I attempted to write about what I was feeling.  I believe you would call it channeling or perhaps inspiration.  Understand that I had neither ever written poetry read or studied poetry in school and would tend to skip any effort to make me do so.  Each new post will include one or more of these poems.  In view of this I present these for your enjoyment and understanding...

This first poem is about my Soul Mate.  After my traveling and searching we met twenty years later at a Halloween dance in a church basement which is a story unto itself.  We are still together in our learning experience...

Soul Mate

Searching searching throughout the days and nights for you my love to have you in my sight.
By your side where can you be I search for you to make as we.
You exist in my mind as I saw you last soaring high by my thigh living in the wind.
Your spreading wings a steadfast dream for fools the likes of me.
Yet you will be found I have faith in that sound of songs you sing to me.

I find a vast land before me opening it's arms beckoning me forth.
And my Soul within urges me on telling me I have much to learn.
So feeling no choice I move on my heart beating giving life throughout this nimble shell.
Where are you ancient and honorable one that I must continue undone.
Where are those tender grasping shores that can embrace my ocean's roar and let rest those storms long past.

It must be soon I see you so clear like the air in the meadow and the sound of the deer.
Ancient falls now remind me of you feathers in hand watching the view.
I can see the light surrounding your hair and all the colors in the dresses you wear.
Oh God give us grace let us reach for the sky so that at last we are together my Soul Mate and I.

By: Jim Ainsworth


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