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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Advancement of Spiritual Humanity

The Advancement of Spiritual Humanity

One day we become aware that our lives are not by chance.
As more of us develop this awareness of divine guidance a new momentum begins to change the world by the infiltration of the daring thought in our awareness that humanity might actually be guided.
It is during this change that humanity becomes aware of the fact that every thing that exists in our universe is connected including the air that we breathe and contains a life force or energy we call spirit.
Awareness of this connection allows us to experience its nature and assists us in understanding that those individuals who are not aware of this connection are unable to experience it and therefore feel insecure and disconnected.  The result of this feeling of disconnection motivates these individuals to draw energy from others in all areas of human endeavors in attempts to dominate and therefore supplementing this feeling of emptiness. This is the cause for all human conflict including wars.
It is only when each of us as individuals cultivate a personal connection with this life force that surrounds us will each of us experience the higher state of awareness and unconditional love that is available to all of us and therefore eliminate human conflict on this planet.
When one is immersed in this awareness of the spiritual truth of reality bathing in the love and goodness of its nature and in the company of others who are also having the same experience the energy increases having an magnetic affect on those who are also ready to have this experience.
It is at this point that an awakening happens for those experiencing this spiritual energy showing an inner divine guidance that lights the path before them bringing realizations that the happenings that are appearing are not coincidences but actual guideposts to follow the path of their spiritual evolvement.
Eventually after enough of humanity has processed through this awakening  a point will be reached  whereas a new communal society will develop on our planet sharing and evolving this life force spirit energy which thereby will create an evolving culture moving that great being we call humanity forward into a Heaven on Earth.
Once our humanity fully awakens through this process of spiritual evolution and becomes aware of the true nature of its being its mission on this planet which is knowing unconditional love will be accomplished and it will move on to its next chapter.
By: Jim Ainsworth

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