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Monday, March 28, 2011

Spiritual Common Sense
  Since most of us here in the USA have been told since birth that we are in charge with our Free Will and had best keep our noses to the grind stone if we expect to get anywhere.  It would therefore make sense that when we pass over which I understand from the media that most people either suspect or believe that we do pass over into a heaven or hell and that we would have free will in that heaven or hell…

  Now with a little hmm I wonder what that place would look like with a bunch of spirits inside souls with free will.  Well the spiritual would be looking for spiritual places.  The religious would be looking for religious places.  The atheists would be looking for atheist places.  The sinners would be looking for sinning places and the born again would be looking for that special place they feel was promised them…

  How they find these places has been explained to us by Hollywood that a bunch of Angels some of whom have wings and some of whom have not earned their wings sit around with a big book behind a gate that one reaches after climbing stairs and if you are on the right heavenly floor the gate will be opened and you will be assigned depending if you have been bad or good.  What happens next has not been fully explained by Hollywood and if Christianity has it right that is all there is.  You stay in your favorite place forever…

  Fortunately none of this is factual because like our planet which is on the physical plane of existence the place you pass over to is also part of physical existence although the molecules are further apart.  This place which is misleadingly referred to as Heaven is located on our emotional plane.  Yes that is correct the same place that our emotions come from only since it is seen with emotional eyes and it is clearly visible as are our dreams which exist on and are a part of the same plane…

  However there is no free will here either.  Yes that is my point.  In spite of what you might think there is no free will in Heaven or on Earth.  We spirits are trapped inside our consciousness (our soul) and trapped inside our emotional bodies.  Those that can remember or are conscious of their dreams can see this clearly.  You see we are beyond doubt trapped inside our earthly bodies looking through two knot holes at existence outside of ourselves…

  A great peace overcomes those who become enlightened to the fact that they are on a path that God chose for them and everyone else.  Think about it… How else would you be able to know what bodies you would require to learn what you need to know during your multiple incarnations?  Also think about why a God who is Love Itself would give us only one lifetime…

  Of course a God teaching Unconditional Love would arrange everything for us so that we would do everything right and learn those lessons that would teach us Unconditional Love.  Now that makes Spiritual Commons Sense to me…

Jim Ainsworth

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