It has again been a while since I managed to get back to this blog. Honestly, I thought I would be blogging on a daily basis, but such is life... I just chop wood and carry water while waiting to see what appears on my path of life. I just received word that Sierra Club would like me to lobby for them with several other Club members in Washington DC this coming June for three days in support of their Grazing Team effort. They are paying all my expenses. I feel quite honored by this and will certainly do my best. In case you are not aware of this serious planet issue the story is: It seems that a large portion of the US is filled out by lands purchased by the Federal government in order to preserve them in their natural state. This includes many National Parks. Unfortunately, over the years members of Congress who felt a leaning towards corporate interests felt that corporate ranchers raising meat needed some help in the form a of a subsidy and passed laws allowing these large corporate interests to graze their livestock for free on these public lands. Well what has happened over the years of course is that these seemingly peaceful cattle and other livestock being raised for slaughter have been eating to elimination all the natural grasslands, pooping and polluting all the natural streams and tramping and thereby destroying all the natural plants. What happens here is that this destruction is destroying all the natural wildlife; birds, fish and mammals and really has to stop. I've belong to this Sierra Club Grazing Team for two years and have seen enough film and heard enough stories to understand that this is another case of our planet's survival and this subsidy simply has to stop for the public good. If you have the occasion to write to your Senator or Congressman or Congresswoman it would be appreciated if you could give this problem a mention.
Jim Ainsworth
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Been thinking a lot about kindness and why these conservative Republicans seem to lack kindness when it comes to others. The fact that they voted 225 in the House of Representatives to eliminate Medicare not giving a hoot about all those seniors while they enjoy the best healthcare coverage known to man. It seems so primitive and I wonder what made them that way. Also the way they try to bully everyone who doesn't agree with them talking loudly to create fear in the voters. I turned to a book in my library today and on the back cover of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's book "Live in a Better Way" he states:
"Pay attention not only to the cultivation of knowledge but to the cultivation of qualities of the heart, so that at the end of education, not only will you be knowledgeable, but also you will be a warm hearted and compassionate person."
Unfortunately I probably don't have a chance in a million that any of these men and women would consider this statement worth their time...
Jim Ainsworth
"Pay attention not only to the cultivation of knowledge but to the cultivation of qualities of the heart, so that at the end of education, not only will you be knowledgeable, but also you will be a warm hearted and compassionate person."
Unfortunately I probably don't have a chance in a million that any of these men and women would consider this statement worth their time...
Jim Ainsworth
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Political Thoughts
Well I have lately I been watching the Republican Conservatives trying to rip out all the social progress we made in America the last hundred years. These people and their rich backers are operating on a purely mental level and are not in touch with the spiritual consciousness of their hearts although they hide under the cloak of religion. They simply loudly lie outright putting fear into people many of whom cannot react for various reasons. They remind me of what happened in Germany during the thirties so I feel it is really important that I take some sort of action in doing my part in what I feel is happening. Part of that result are the two blubs below. I plan on doing more of these short analysis as the days go by...
The Addiction of America – Taking Away Our Social Progress
Seeking wealth at any level is an addiction like heroin or alcohol and shuts the brain’s spiritual chakras thus actions become directed from the more primitive or you might say the earth part of the brain…
The Globalization of America - Unnatural Foods
Between 1997 and 2007 52,000 dairies went out of business. Now your processed foods are made with MPC’s (milk protein concentrates) Imports of MPC’s during this period have risen from 800 million o 3 Billion…
The Addiction of America – Taking Away Our Social Progress
Seeking wealth at any level is an addiction like heroin or alcohol and shuts the brain’s spiritual chakras thus actions become directed from the more primitive or you might say the earth part of the brain…
The Globalization of America - Unnatural Foods
Between 1997 and 2007 52,000 dairies went out of business. Now your processed foods are made with MPC’s (milk protein concentrates) Imports of MPC’s during this period have risen from 800 million o 3 Billion…
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Advancement of Spiritual Humanity
The Advancement of Spiritual Humanity
One day we become aware that our lives are not by chance.
As more of us develop this awareness of divine guidance a new momentum begins to change the world by the infiltration of the daring thought in our awareness that humanity might actually be guided.
It is during this change that humanity becomes aware of the fact that every thing that exists in our universe is connected including the air that we breathe and contains a life force or energy we call spirit.
Awareness of this connection allows us to experience its nature and assists us in understanding that those individuals who are not aware of this connection are unable to experience it and therefore feel insecure and disconnected. The result of this feeling of disconnection motivates these individuals to draw energy from others in all areas of human endeavors in attempts to dominate and therefore supplementing this feeling of emptiness. This is the cause for all human conflict including wars.
It is only when each of us as individuals cultivate a personal connection with this life force that surrounds us will each of us experience the higher state of awareness and unconditional love that is available to all of us and therefore eliminate human conflict on this planet.
When one is immersed in this awareness of the spiritual truth of reality bathing in the love and goodness of its nature and in the company of others who are also having the same experience the energy increases having an magnetic affect on those who are also ready to have this experience.
It is at this point that an awakening happens for those experiencing this spiritual energy showing an inner divine guidance that lights the path before them bringing realizations that the happenings that are appearing are not coincidences but actual guideposts to follow the path of their spiritual evolvement.
Eventually after enough of humanity has processed through this awakening a point will be reached whereas a new communal society will develop on our planet sharing and evolving this life force spirit energy which thereby will create an evolving culture moving that great being we call humanity forward into a Heaven on Earth.
Once our humanity fully awakens through this process of spiritual evolution and becomes aware of the true nature of its being its mission on this planet which is knowing unconditional love will be accomplished and it will move on to its next chapter.
By: Jim Ainsworth
Monday, March 28, 2011
Spiritual Common Sense
Since most of us here in the USA have been told since birth that we are in charge with our Free Will and had best keep our noses to the grind stone if we expect to get anywhere. It would therefore make sense that when we pass over which I understand from the media that most people either suspect or believe that we do pass over into a heaven or hell and that we would have free will in that heaven or hell…
Now with a little hmm I wonder what that place would look like with a bunch of spirits inside souls with free will. Well the spiritual would be looking for spiritual places. The religious would be looking for religious places. The atheists would be looking for atheist places. The sinners would be looking for sinning places and the born again would be looking for that special place they feel was promised them…
How they find these places has been explained to us by Hollywood that a bunch of Angels some of whom have wings and some of whom have not earned their wings sit around with a big book behind a gate that one reaches after climbing stairs and if you are on the right heavenly floor the gate will be opened and you will be assigned depending if you have been bad or good. What happens next has not been fully explained by Hollywood and if Christianity has it right that is all there is. You stay in your favorite place forever…
Fortunately none of this is factual because like our planet which is on the physical plane of existence the place you pass over to is also part of physical existence although the molecules are further apart. This place which is misleadingly referred to as Heaven is located on our emotional plane. Yes that is correct the same place that our emotions come from only since it is seen with emotional eyes and it is clearly visible as are our dreams which exist on and are a part of the same plane…
However there is no free will here either. Yes that is my point. In spite of what you might think there is no free will in Heaven or on Earth. We spirits are trapped inside our consciousness (our soul) and trapped inside our emotional bodies. Those that can remember or are conscious of their dreams can see this clearly. You see we are beyond doubt trapped inside our earthly bodies looking through two knot holes at existence outside of ourselves…
A great peace overcomes those who become enlightened to the fact that they are on a path that God chose for them and everyone else. Think about it… How else would you be able to know what bodies you would require to learn what you need to know during your multiple incarnations? Also think about why a God who is Love Itself would give us only one lifetime…
Of course a God teaching Unconditional Love would arrange everything for us so that we would do everything right and learn those lessons that would teach us Unconditional Love. Now that makes Spiritual Commons Sense to me…
Jim Ainsworth
Friday, March 25, 2011
I was able to get back to this blog sooner than I thought I would. Perhaps a change is in the wind for what happens in my life is not what I decide for I decide nothing I only think I do. Yet most folks that I know think they are still in charge. I find that this makes them very unhappy when things appear to go astray...
I first came across this change in thinking forty years ago while I was searching for my soul mate. I wrote a poem about that experience. All the poetry that you read either on my blog or in my website was written within a two and a half year period that started forty years ago. This was when at the age of thirty two I began to experience a change in my conception of our existence. Now understand I did not pursue this course in fact I went down this chute kicking and screaming. Yet eventually I realized t hat I didn't have any choice and I surrendered to my higher power which I chose to call God. I had become homeless at the beginning of that period although it would be more correct to say that I lived in God's House. Those two and a half years were a great transformation for me and these poems reflect what I was receiving from within when I attempted to write about what I was feeling. I believe you would call it channeling or perhaps inspiration. Understand that I had neither ever written poetry read or studied poetry in school and would tend to skip any effort to make me do so. Each new post will include one or more of these poems. In view of this I present these for your enjoyment and understanding...
This first poem is about my Soul Mate. After my traveling and searching we met twenty years later at a Halloween dance in a church basement which is a story unto itself. We are still together in our learning experience...
Soul Mate
Searching searching throughout the days and nights for you my love to have you in my sight.
By your side where can you be I search for you to make as we.
You exist in my mind as I saw you last soaring high by my thigh living in the wind.
Your spreading wings a steadfast dream for fools the likes of me.
Yet you will be found I have faith in that sound of songs you sing to me.
I find a vast land before me opening it's arms beckoning me forth.
And my Soul within urges me on telling me I have much to learn.
So feeling no choice I move on my heart beating giving life throughout this nimble shell.
Where are you ancient and honorable one that I must continue undone.
Where are those tender grasping shores that can embrace my ocean's roar and let rest those storms long past.
It must be soon I see you so clear like the air in the meadow and the sound of the deer.
Ancient falls now remind me of you feathers in hand watching the view.
I can see the light surrounding your hair and all the colors in the dresses you wear.
Oh God give us grace let us reach for the sky so that at last we are together my Soul Mate and I.
By: Jim Ainsworth
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Vernal Equinox or Spring Solstice
Well I finally made it back to my blog again.. I have been working on my art photography twitter and website. It is amazing how time consuming that is... In the process now of making some nature meditation videos and hopefully the first one will be on a new page of the website shortly. The above photo was taken at one of my favorite Audubon sites. It is a Holly forest with a pond in the middle. There is a sign near a large towering Holly that states it is the largest. I will have to photograph that soon. I thought I would share this photo taken on our Vernal Equinox taken with timer and panorama fixed on tripod...
Friday, February 25, 2011
A Magical Place
Again it has taken a long time to get back to this blog. In the meantime I have completed some artwork. One of my works is shown here called A Magical Place. It certainly was and shows to me God at work on our beautiful planet.
Friday, February 4, 2011
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