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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Here in America...

It all seems very strange...  Forty years ago women were throwing their bras away.  Hippies were preaching Love, Love, Love...  Teachers from the India were arriving on our shores with talk of a new consciousness.  And our government was fighting an unpopular war, along with human rights activists fighting racism and many young were dropping out to find the new Atlantis...  I found myself drawn into the fray and went in all the way dropping out and meditating myself into a new consciousness I hoped existed down the line...

Well here I am forty years later and after a lot of work, yes I did find a new consciousness for myself and feel I am very fortunate to have invested my life in such a venture.  I see many around me who have not done so, and it saddens me for it seems it is too late, they are too closed in their life, it simply was not meant to be.  However, here in America it seems things are the same.  Women have put on their bras again, racism still exists and hippies with their Love, Love, Love have been driven from the streets, cities and towns by a society that is addicted to video games, phone toys, alcohol and drugs.  The Indian teachers have gone back home and the Government is now fighting two unpopular wars.  All these addictions have put most Americans to sleep allowing a group of greedy politicians in Congress who are addicted to wealth and therefore worship the wealthy to hold hostage the remaining ninety eight percent of unconscious middle class and poor folks.  I feel like an observer of an ailing patient who simply has not time for the truth, that if something isn't done soon, it may be too late.

I wonder if they will wake up in time.  Being an optimist I think that is God's plan, for really it is God who created this situation, so it will interesting to watch.  Will America wake up?  Hmmm...  I believe they will...

Jim Ainsworth

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