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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Been thinking a lot about kindness and why these conservative Republicans seem to lack kindness when it comes to others.  The fact that they voted 225 in the House of Representatives to eliminate Medicare not giving a hoot about all those seniors while they enjoy the best healthcare coverage known to man.  It seems so primitive and I wonder what made them that way.  Also the way they try to bully everyone who doesn't agree with them talking loudly to create fear in the voters.  I turned to a book in my library today and on the back cover of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's book "Live in a Better Way" he states:

 "Pay attention not only to the cultivation of knowledge but to the cultivation of qualities of the heart, so that at the end of education, not only will you be knowledgeable, but also you will be a warm hearted and compassionate person."

Unfortunately I probably don't have a chance in a million that any of these men and women would consider this statement worth their time...

Jim Ainsworth

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Political Thoughts

Well I have lately I been watching the Republican Conservatives trying to rip out all the social progress we made in America the last hundred years.  These people and their rich backers are operating on a purely mental level and are not in touch with the spiritual consciousness of their hearts although they hide under the cloak of religion. They simply loudly lie outright putting fear into people many of whom cannot react for various reasons. They remind me of what happened in Germany during the thirties so I feel it is really important that I take some sort of action in doing my part in what I feel is happening.  Part of that result are the two blubs below.  I plan on doing more of these short analysis as the days go by...

The Addiction of America – Taking Away Our Social Progress

Seeking wealth at any level is an addiction like heroin or alcohol and shuts the brain’s spiritual chakras thus actions become directed from the more primitive or you might say the earth part of the brain…

The Globalization of America - Unnatural Foods

Between 1997 and 2007 52,000 dairies went out of business. Now your processed foods are made with MPC’s (milk protein concentrates) Imports of MPC’s during this period have risen from 800 million o 3 Billion…